Getting to Hope-Filled from Hopeless

Have you ever felt that all hope is lost? I think we have all felt this way at some point. I know that I certainly have! In today’s blog post, I will share how hope is a powerful and optimistic attitude that you can use for your own positive outcomes and possibilities even in the face of adversity and challenges. It is the belief that your efforts can yield a meaningful, fulfilling, and happy outcome. With hope, you can achieve your goals, no matter how daunting or challenging they may seem. Hope is the belief that a positive outcome is achievable through purposeful action, even when circumstances and obstacles might suggest otherwise. Hope enables you to envision the future you desire. With hope, we can push through challenging moments and periods in our lives with the tenacity to move forward and the courage to set ambitious goals. Read on to learn more about how hope will help heal your spiritual injury from trauma.

Here are some ways in which you can use hope to achieve your life-long healing goals:

  • Hope can inspire change for a positive outcome, providing the necessary drive and determination to achieve your dreams. This motivational drive spurs self-confidence increasing problem-solving abilities and the perseverance required to reach your goals.

  • Hope allows you to take the perspective of success and the ability to build a positive reality where optimistic and constructive thought processes can fuel creativity, compassion, and understanding.

  • Hope builds resilience against the discouragement of setbacks and failures, as it provides you with the capability to bounce back, learn from your mistakes, and keep moving forward toward your goals that matter.

  • Hope encourages you to think strategically and be determined to attain the goals you have set for yourself. It is a driving force that helps you envisage a favorable outcome while setting realistic and achievable plans.

  • A hopeful outlook encourages persistence and resilience to overcome obstacles. By envisioning solutions to problems and aiming for a positive outcome, you can find the inner strength and motivation to persist in pursuit of your goals.

Hope has proven to be a vital tool in achieving your goals, no matter how difficult or pressing they are. With hope, you can take charge of your dreams and take meaningful steps in attaining them. I challenge you to use hope to inspires you to persist in the face of setbacks and the courage to move beyond personal setbacks. As a result, it will establish that your efforts, when backed by hope, will build optimism, reinforcing your determination to succeed.

Hope is a critical ingredient in goal-setting and achievement, given the drive necessary to follow through with determination, resilience, and persistence. By leveraging an optimistic attitude backed up by strategic planning, you will overcome the challenges that may arise as you seek to achieve your objectives. Hope is more about our beliefs and attitudes than necessarily the external events or factors that influence them. Through the power of hope, we can create a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Ready to visualize and connect with the Hope waiting for you to harvest? I’ve included a simple meditation to get you started. Enjoy!

Hope as a Flame Meditation

Take a deep breath in, and exhale slowly, closing your eyes, and allowing any tension to release from your body. Focus your awareness on your breath, in and out, slow and steady.

As you breathe, begin to identify the worries and fears holding you back, taking note of them without judgment. Then disconnect from them, letting them go, and turning your attention to hope.

Imagine the spark of hope within you, like a tiny flame flickering within, gently fanning it into a full-blown blaze. Visualize this light expanding, growing stronger, bolder as it expands outward.

Think of hope as a source of energy, pushing you forward towards your goals. Hold onto the image of hope, feeling warmth and energy emanating from it, filling you up, and warming your core. 

Recall moments in your life when hope fueled you to move forward despite adversity. Dig deep into those moments to generate inspiration, courage, and commitment to your aspirations. See hope as an unquenchable fire that will never go out, no matter how challenging the circumstances may appear.

Allow your breathing to return to its natural pace and take a moment to focus on the thoughts and emotions that have surfaced during the meditation. Alleviate any negative thoughts or emotions by visualizing hope strengthening from within, pulling in the positive energy surrounding you, and creating a veil of hope to overcome difficulty and forge ahead in life.

Whenever doubt, pessimism, or anxiety creeps in, return to this image of hope, keeping it at the front of your mind as a guidepost to rise above the challenges. Then reconnect with the spark within as you continue to move forward to achieve your dreams.

Take one more deep breath in, and as you exhale, open your eyes and feel the sense of clarity and hope as you emerge from this meditation, ready to tackle the journey ahead with a renewed sense of optimism and motivation.

Coach B. Von explains how hope is a positive attitude that allows for a great outcome. Without hope, adversities can bring us down, causing anxiety and fear to overcome us.

Ready to live a more hope-filled life and heal your trauma? Get your copy of my workbook, The Energy Harvest, for step-by-step guidance to begin healing your spiritual injury today!

The Energy Harvest - Signed Copy
Sale Price: $25.99 Original Price: $29.99
B. Von Squires

Providing a perspective that uses Spiritual concepts to improve the quality and meaning of life. Using the Energy Harvest tool we offer hope and healing to those who have sustained spiritual injuries.

Coach B.Von has the ability to guide you from injury to invincible as you learn to identify and navigate your feelings, heal your belief system and rejuvenate your spirit.

Trauma and Emotional Dysregulation are Inextricably Tied Together


Coach B. Von’s Conversation with Jennifer Fentress